16 April 2016

Feelin' The Bern

Hello! It's been a long time...

If it wasn't obvious, I have some issues with balance in my life. Not just personally, but with everything, from the way I eat a meal (eat all the cauliflower first, then eat the meat or whatever) to how I spend my work time and my free time. Whatever it is, IT will take up most of my waking hours, and usually some sleeping hours as well. For example, I have been thinking of getting a new car. I look at cars everywhere I go, I google cars, dream of cars. Can't stop mentioning and talking about cars. I was very passionate and excited about cars. Until I decided not to get a different car, and suddenly I am able to focus on something else. I am compulsive and "all in" on anything I do. 

Today's topic: getting Bernie Sanders elected president of the United States (POTUS.) As is my norm, I am all in on trying to do whatever I can to make this happen, while still being a mama and a wife and keeping clean clothes in my closet. Occasionally I even cook a meal. I'm not doing much beyond what a gazillion other volunteers across the country are doing: calling voters, monitoring callers calling voters, training others to call voters, and being hostess at the grassroots (Bernie/Progressive issues) office for others who are also volunteering. I am watching and live-tweeting debates, which causes my family peeps to flee to other rooms in the house. You know, your basic Berniecrat or whatever we/they are calling us.

My attempt has been and continues to be balance. I need certain things to take care of myself. Sleep, food, showers, clean clothes. I need to foster and enjoy relationships with my husband and kids, and help them also to meet their own basic needs. My dog needs food and potty-walks. You get it. So I have limited myself to doing Bernie stuff mostly during MY TIME, when others are doing their jobs or classes, with the occasional weekend event or conference calls/live streams from home. 

I'm adjusting this balanced plan starting next week.

I'll be hostessing/training in the afternoons---until 6pm. (GASP.) I'll be making time for some of the ME-stuff that hasn't been happening, writing to open the creative door each morning, writing here on my meaningless blog each week, writing my memoir---focusing on the transitions between the excerpts I've already written. Perhaps having some bursts of fiction explode out of my brain. HA!---and while I am adding those things back in, I'll be prepping for dinner also before I go in to The Office. 

Good luck to me. 

See you in a week if I am successful.

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